Tuesday, August 11, 2009

♥ It's a girl ♥

Last Friday on August 7th we found out that this little bean growing inside me is a girl! This day also happened to be Derek's 29th birthday. Such a fun day. This was the most anticipated and fun appointment that we ever had. It was so fun seeing this little girl moving around on the screen. This was my 20 week appointment and my how she has grown from the last time we saw her on the big screen at 9 weeks. It was amazing. My most favorite and memorable moment was when the technician told us that "he" (as Derek was calling it) was actually a girl. I will never forget his face. I looked at him at just the right moment. I busted out laughing and into tears. It was a really joyful moment. I had been thinking that we were going to have a boy. All my thoughts would always go to boys first. Names, bedding, clothes, etc. Derek was certain that we were going to have a girl. I know he is super nervous at the thought of having a little girl. He is already talking about chasing off the boys. But I just know that he is going to do so good with a little girl. It's good for him. She will be such a daddy's girl....I just know it. I just hope she wants to be my baking/cooking buddy.

And to start her off right......I made cupcakes that Sunday to take into work to share the good news. Here is how they turned out. Pretty cute I think. :o)

Can't wait to meet you our sweet baby girl. ♥


carrie_whitman said...

Very cute.... eventhough I tease you, and yes, I still think you are NUTS, you are one well pruned Martha Stewart! :)

Very well done Pork! :)

Unknown said...

Kellie ~ you are so creative and sweet! I love the idea of taking cupcakes to work to share the news! Baby GIRL Norton is going to be so loved and SHE is going to have so much fun with you and Derek as her parents!

I can't wait to meet Quin's first ♥ too!