Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pull em' out boys!

Last weekend Derek and Clint took out the bushes in front of the house. We couldn't wait to get rid of them. I forget what kind they were......but they were so icky. I'm not sure what we are going to put in their place yet. Maybe some nice pretty flowering kinds. Once the snow and cold goes's off to the nursery. Hi ho, hi off to landscaping we go. Oh---- cold and snow---please go away. I am ready for you spring!! ;o)

I forgot to take a "before" shot. Dang it! I hate when I forget to do that. And of course we didn't really have any. Here is one that somewhat shows what the bushes looked like before.

And yes, I suggested that we WAIT until the snow melted....

but Derek insisted that it be done that weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I so noticed that! Juniper bushes remind me of my childhood (there were so many near the condo I grew up in...and then later at the house my parent's bought). We are excited to get to outdoor spring cleaning too.