Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lovin' from the oven

Jessi and I baked up some yummy goodness yesterday afternoon. We got all the way through our list of goodies except for the toffee. I did not have a candy thermometer. : ( Oh well. We were pretty tired by the end anyways. If you couldn't tell......Jess and I LOVE our coconut. 3 of the 6 items we made had coconut!


We had lots of fun getting messy. Derek couldn't hardly stand it for us to finish SOMETHING! So while we had the 7-Layer Bars baking....we made HIM some Muddy Buddies! Him was so happy. : ) As we continued on our marry baking way at one point it was awfully quite in the living room. I said to Jessi... "what do you want to bet Derek is sleeping"? Giggling she went to check on him. Yep, fast asleep! Content with his finished snack of Muddy Buddies.

Shhhh.....hubby sleeping.....visions of Muddy Buddies dancing in his head. Haha : )

Once we were done at the end of the day.....well evening I should really say......we made up some plates and took some over to the neighbors. Hope they enjoyed our treats and didn't mind that the Ginger Snap cookies didn't come out quite as I hoped. And we hope you like coconut too!! heehee

-Made with love xoxox


Unknown said...

Were we the neighbors you mentioned? Of course we loved your treats! Ben put his "dibbs" on all of them! HAHA... He loves coconut. At least I got the Muddie Buddies all to myself! girls are too cute!

mrsnorton said...

Heather- yes.....and we also took some over to DeAnn and Kevin. :] Glad you liked them! Anyone who LOVES coconut is a friend of mine. Yea Ben! Heehee